2. Cu in 2mbar N2
Dataset Spectra
Photon energy 1486.61eV
Spectrum type Cu 2s
Resolution 20
Dwell Time 7.8
Step size 0.1
Number of scans 1
Sample Metadata
Name 2. Cu in 2mbar N2
Ex situ preparation Sample clamped to stainless steel holder using stainless steel clamps
In situ preparation Sputter cleaned for 15 min using Ar at 3 kV and a pressure of 1E-5 mbar
Additional Information Spectra from a Cu foil measured in 2 mbar N2. Distance of sample to nozzle was 0.8 mm. Nozzle diameter was 0.8 mm.
Dataset Metadata
Measurement Date 09-03-2020
Measurement conditions
Condition Value Units
pressure 2 mbar
ambient composition N2 none
temperature 25 C
Spectrometer Settings
Analyzer Mode FAT
Area 0.8 mm diameter
Strength 150 W, 15 kV
Source Beam Size 0.8 mm diameter
Take Off Angle 90 degrees
Analyzer Acceptance Angle 22 degrees
Contributor Info
Laboratory Surface Analytics
Instrument Phoibos NAP-150
Profile picture of Mark Greiner
Mark Greiner
Calibration Info
Protocol ISO 15472:2010
Calibration date 17-08-2020
Calibration value
Binding Energy 83.96
Emission line Au 4f7/2
Instrument value 1
Binding Energy 932.62
Emission line Cu 2p3/2
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C 00 0
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Ar 00 0
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foil 00 0
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2. Cu in 2mbar N2 0
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