2. Cu metal, in 0.1mbar O2, room temp.
Dataset Spectra
Element; Emission line;
Photon energy 1486.61eV
Spectrum type O 1s
Resolution 20
Lens Mode SmallArea
Dwell Time 0.2
Step size 0.1
Number of scans 1
Sample Metadata
single crystal
Name 2. Cu metal, in 0.1mbar O2, room temp.
Ex situ preparation Mechanical polishing down to 0.05 microns. Mounted with thermocouple onto a stainless steel sample holder.
In situ preparation Sputter cleaned with Ar ion beam to remove C and O. Annealed in vacuum to 700 C.
Additional Information The data set was measured shortly after 0.1 mbar of O2 was introduced.
Dataset Metadata
Measurement Date 02-02-2174
Measurement conditions
Condition Value Units
pressure 0.1 mbar
temperature 25 C
ambient composition O2 none
Spectrometer Settings
Analyzer Mode FAT
Area 0.3 mm diameter
Strength 70 W
Source Beam Size 0.3 mm diameter
Take Off Angle 90 degrees
Analyzer Acceptance Angle 22 degrees
Contributor Info
Laboratory Surface Analytics
Instrument Phoibos NAP-150
Profile picture of Mark Greiner
Mark Greiner
Calibration Info
Protocol ISO 15472:2010
Calibration date 04-01-2018
Calibration value
Binding Energy 83.98
Emission line Au 4f7/2
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C 00 0
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Cu 00 0
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O 00 0
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2. Cu metal, in 0.1mbar O2, room temp. 0
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