Laboratory list

Showing 1-10 of 12 items.
HarwellXPS (Cardiff Hub)Cardiff UniversityUnited KingdomCardiff
Innovative Station for In Situ SpectroscopyFritz Haber InstituteGermanyBerlin
HarwellXPS (Harwell Hub)HarwellXPSUnited KingdomDidcot
BelChemHelmholtz Zentrum BerlinGermanyBerlin
Surface Science XPS LaboratoryInstitute of Surface Chemistry and CatalysisGermanyUlm
Institute of Functional InterfacesKahrlsruhe Institute of TechnologyGermanyEggenstein-Leopoldshafen
Bioresponsive MaterialsLeibniz-Institut für Analytische Wissenschaften - ISAS - e.V.GermanyDortmund
Catalysis and Surface ChemistryLeiden Institute of ChemistryNetherlandsLeiden
Surface AnalyticsMax Planck Institute for Chemical Energy ConversionGermanyMülheim an der Ruhr
fooMy fancy institutionAfghanistanKabul